Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Tonight I parceled a few wee gifts for my son to take with him,as he leaves for a Bible conference in Philadelphia tomorrow morning.I thought a lot about what I could buy which would represent where we come from and in the end I got him a tin whistle and some belleek china.These things are usually associated with Ireland and should be well received by his hosts in America.This got me thinking about what people associate nowadays with being a Christian.Somehow our standards have fallen and really anything goes,as many folk talk about"we as Christians",when in effect,they mean everyone in general.But God means us to be different,in our attitudes and in our hearts.I can think of some godly friends and they really are a wonderful advert for Christianity.A time spent in their presence is a life changing experience.I'm blessed tonight to know that though times may change and trends come and go,God still has many walking adverts of His love and grace all over the world.

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