Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Tonight is Hallowe'en night and everywhere, people will be dressing up to go to fancy dress parties or trick or treating.Fireworks will be whistling through the sky and children will be shrieking with excitement or fear.Honestly,I can't quite see what all the fuss is about and fuss there is.Every year it gets worse.I've even seen young children dressed up as skeletons. I feel a strong sense of darkness surrounding the whole event.It reminds me of the contrast between darkness and light.
We're blessed tonight to know that "Jesus is the light of the world,in Him there is no darkness".

Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Tonight I parceled a few wee gifts for my son to take with him,as he leaves for a Bible conference in Philadelphia tomorrow morning.I thought a lot about what I could buy which would represent where we come from and in the end I got him a tin whistle and some belleek china.These things are usually associated with Ireland and should be well received by his hosts in America.This got me thinking about what people associate nowadays with being a Christian.Somehow our standards have fallen and really anything goes,as many folk talk about"we as Christians",when in effect,they mean everyone in general.But God means us to be different,in our attitudes and in our hearts.I can think of some godly friends and they really are a wonderful advert for Christianity.A time spent in their presence is a life changing experience.I'm blessed tonight to know that though times may change and trends come and go,God still has many walking adverts of His love and grace all over the world.

Monday, 29 October 2007


Today a friend told me he'd got "peace" about a certain decision he'd made.I think that's a great feeling to have,because you automatically know it's the decision God wanted you to make.If you're struggling tonight with something that just won't seem to work out for you,why not hand it over to the one who knows the answer.

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast,because he trusts in You".
Isaiah 26:3-4.
Now there's a Blessing.

Sunday, 28 October 2007


Today was Sunday again.It's a quiet day in our house,usually.It always has been.I look forward to chatting to our boys, just home from university and we get time to catch up with their eventful lives.Sunday is a day for quiet reflection and rest and I pray that it never changes.If we choose to let the world influence us,then Sunday just becomes like any other day. What a blessing that God should decide to give us a day such as Sunday.

The Bible tells us,"There remains then,a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work,just as God did from His.Let us,therefore,make every effort to enter that rest". Hebrews 4:9-11.

Saturday, 27 October 2007


Last night my sister lost her wedding ring somewhere in the house.She was in a complete panic about it.But as it was late and the light was dim,she realised that continuing the search this morning would be wisest .So early today,she thought about all the possibilities and had even decided to take her toddler for an x-ray,when I tried to keep her calm by saying,"I've been praying that God will take control of this situation,keep searching and trust that He'll guide you forward".Sure enough the phone call followed shortly afterwards,the drama was over.I once heard this happen over a missing cash card and it spoke volumes to me.I learnt there and then,that God wants to be involved in the tiniest little detail of our lives,every practicality and so on.He knows the beginning from the end and will help us to cope,whatever the outcome.What a blessing that He cares about us in this way.Let's share our all with Him,today.

Friday, 26 October 2007


This morning I watched the News at 8:00 am and was saddened to see the terrible destruction left behind by the raging fires in San Diego.People were sifting through rubble looking for anything they could salvage from the ruins of what was once their homes.One poor woman being interviewed could find absolutely nothing except a little Christmas gift she had bought.It was a tiny Baby Jesus from a nativity scene.I found this to be such a clear revelation to all of us.We are blessed today that Jesus is always there,even in the most difficult of circumstances. When everything seems to be coming to a hopeless end,He gives us an endless hope.

Thursday, 25 October 2007


I'm not that good at praying and I don't do it enough,but when I do,I feel I'm in a better place with God and I know for certain that it makes a difference to my day.When I was a child,I used to watch my dad,frequently on his knees and now that he has gone to be with the One he talked to so often,that visual picture gives me so much comfort.I'm trying to discipline myself every day to keep a journal and to write down names and needs of those I want to remember in prayer and as I do,I'm spending more time in meditation and less time on activities which are unimportant.I've such a long way to go,but I'm blessed to know the reality of the little chorus-"Prayer is like a telephone,for us to talk to Jesus".
Ye know, there's nothing like the prayer of a wee child bringing their thoughts to Jesus.It's just so genuine.I pray tonight that God will help me to always live my life in a way that enables my prayers to be reverent and genuine.

I'm living proof tonight,that prayer changes the one who prays,as much as it changes those for whom we pray.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007


I called with and aging aunt who lives quite far away.I phoned first to let her know I was coming,as it was getting late.When I arrived,I was made most welcome.She was so thrilled to receive a visitor.On the way home,I began to think how difficult it must be for folk who live alone,especially as we draw near to winter and all that it brings.There must be so many people who are desperately lonely for various reasons and not sure what to do about it.
A friend gave me this poem which is a source of comfort to those who are lonely.I hope that it will bless you today,as you read it or pass it on.

I feel alone,Dear Lord, stay by my side.
In all my daily needs,be thou my guide.
And when I'm feeling low,or in despair,
Lift up my heart,and help me in my prayer.
I feel alone,Dear Lord,yet have no fear,
Because I feel your presence,ever near.

Tuesday, 23 October 2007


A little child in my class was reading a story in his reading book about animals who thought they were just the greatest.The parrot had colourful feathers.The rhino had a wonderful horn.The elephant had a powerful trunk and the monkey had a long,strong tail and so on.Indeed,it wasn't long before they all realised that they all had beneficial things to offer others and it was impossible to choose who was the greatest among them.I couldn't help thinking as the child read to me that we act a bit like this in our churches when we engage in a variety of activities.It's so easy to get caught up in wrong reasons for our service.It's a blessing today, to realise that God does not rank us in order of our abilities.He is so pleased to see us develop the gifts He has given us in the proper way and must surely smile when He sees us encourage each other along the way.

Monday, 22 October 2007


Today my sister was getting ready to celebrate a special birthday and as I visited her we looked at an old photograph or two.I remember vividly when they were taken,just as if it were yesterday.It's funny how looking back now,I wished time would pass more quickly when I was younger and my,how things have changed over the years.There are times now that I'd just like to slow things down and savour the moment again and again.The truth is,as we all know, we just can't control things the way we want to.
We're told that "Our times are in His hands".I wonder if we really take every opportunity each day to think about things that really matter,to acknowledge The Living God,through good times and bad and to know that each new day we face,we are blessed to be a part of it.I pray that God will show me how I can use my time according to His will.

Sunday, 21 October 2007


Today in church the speaker chose to talk about the woman at the well.We were left with the visual image of Jesus sitting by the side of the well,asking for a drink of water.At the end of this wonderful encounter,she was left challenged and disturbed,as Jesus told her,
"Whoever drinks of the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life".
What a blessing to know that Jesus chooses to talk to ordinary people like you and me and as He does,we're both challenged and disturbed.When we "tune in" to giving Him our attention every day,He shakes us up and there's no telling where it will lead.As we all start out on a brand new week,may God get the opportunity to reach our frequency,move us out of our comfort zone and as we respond,may we leave a Christlike impression behind.

Saturday, 20 October 2007


Today Ian cooked tea while I did the ironing.We wanted to get the chores out of the way before the big rugby match on television.He chose to make a prawn and mushroom dish that he knew I loved.Many years ago,I had a seafood encounter which left me with food poisoning for a week,in fact I was so continually sick that I thought I was going to die.However,it didn't put me off prawns completely.I put it down to a one off disaster and was prepared to move on.While enjoying my meal,I was reminded briefly of the experience and how as Christians we can so easily be put off by the actions of others who profess to follow Christ.I urge you today to look beyond your sad experience to the Christ of Calvary who sets the best example for us all to follow.I know that others have every right to look at how we live as Christians every day and if we ask for God's Blessing daily on our lives,I hope they will like what they see.

Friday, 19 October 2007


Today at school,there was a constant stream of visitors.The day passed quickly,but I realised when I got home just how much energy being sociable takes.When we have visitors,we like to make them welcome,create a good impression and most of all,give them our time and undivided attention.This all requires giving on our part.It reminds me tonight,that Jesus is the most important visitor to each of our lives and how we don't always put enough effort into making Him feel welcome,as we so easily get side tracked with modern day distractions.I know that as I've started to watch T.V. less and delve into my Bible more,I'm better prepared to be in tune with The most important visitor of all.I'm blessed tonight to know that He wants not only to visit but to stay close by me each day.

Thursday, 18 October 2007


We have flies landing on the outside walls of our house these days.I think they are attracted by the light colour and the weather is so mild for this time of year.They are so small,but I'm fed up cleaning the windows after they make their daily deposits.How can something so small create such a mess?Tonight I'm reminded of the daily impact I make on other people's lives.I can say something small in passing, which can encourage or discourage someone in a big way and it's funny how the more we desire is to walk in God's will,then the more we care about how we interact with others.Tonight I pray that as I think about this,God will take away any critical spirit that could so easily develop.I'm blessed to know that He can really change my heart.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007


There were tears today as I walked on my daily school journey-
From a child who'd been upset,
From a recently bereaved grandparent,
From a mother feeling down,
From a colleague feeling stressed,

And from myself, as I tried to give comfort where possible.

But no matter what comes our way each day,we can have the covering of God's love as our umbrella to protect us.We're blessed to know that one day,"He will wipe away every tear".

Tuesday, 16 October 2007


The children brought loads of fruit and vegetables into school today,to be put into bags and eventually distributed to local senior citizens.The place was full of the wonderful smell of natural produce.The colours were amazing and I thought immediately of the farmers who work the land so diligently through the seasons.How life has changed for them over the years.The invention of machinery has definitely made things easier,yet they still face so many difficulties.Foot and mouth disease to name but one,has wiped out many a livelihood and from time to time some farmers are teetering on the brink of despair,wondering why their chosen vocation is no longer profitable or even bearable.It reminds me of what we face daily as Christians.God never promised that it would be easy if we decided to follow Him,but He does assure us that He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear.1 Corinthians 10 v 13 tells us that He will provide a way out so that we can stand up under the strain.So let's rejoice in that knowledge today.

Monday, 15 October 2007


It's lovely nowadays to see people of all different nationalities coming to our churches and feeling welcome.A friend commented today,that a lovely Lithuanian Methodist lady was sitting beside her at the weekend Harvest Service.We may not be able to speak their language,but we have much in common,in that God's love is universal.We can do lots to make others feel at home with us.I am blessed when I worship with folk I'm not familiar with,yet who openly radiate God's love.There's an instant bond as we see first hand how God is working in the lives of so many people all around the world.Sometimes we limit God and then things happen to make us all realise that-
"Our God is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine".

Sunday, 14 October 2007


My eldest son turned twenty-one today.I can't quite believe how quickly the years have slipped by.I've spent a lovely weekend with him,before he left for university tonight.We've shared meals together,laughed together,looked at so many photographs of times long gone and I'm left this evening with my memories.I'm blessed that he's chosen to have Christ as his Saviour.For me,that's his single most important decision in life and I pray that God will keep him close in the years ahead.I'm reminded tonight,how days turn to weeks and weeks to years and suddenly a house that was noisy with children's laughter can turn strangely quiet.Yet how good to know that our God is still the same and if we draw near to Him,He'll always be there for us,to help us when we reach a new stage in our lives,whatever that may be.

Saturday, 13 October 2007


Today was just like a summer day.You could sit outside comfortably in short sleeves and enjoy the sunshine.But as I walked around the garden,I was in no doubt that it was autumn.There were leaves all over the grass and the shrubs needed pruning back.So we started to tidy things up in preparation for winter.I was amazed at how quickly shrubs grow and if we left them to springtime, then they'd be really out of hand.This reminds me tonight of our lives when we fail to stay close to God.Our standards slip and suddenly we find ourselves allowing our minds to be controlled by the wrong things.What a blessing to know that the Master Gardener is waiting to prune us back into a right relationship with Him,so that we can spring forth and in due course bear much fruit for Him.

Friday, 12 October 2007


Today I had more blackberries in the fridge to use up, so I took the plunge and tried yet another new recipe. The blackberry and nut muffins were a success.I was made up,as they looked and even tasted like the ones you get in a fancy coffee shop.To think that I could have simply thrown them out or waited until they got mouldy,but I decided to prove that I could make something special out of them and it worked. I'm blessed tonight when I think that God can take us and use us to be special for Him.Today in school,a gentleman arrived to fix some broken toilets that were causing me some stress,and he simply and quietly shared a bible verse with me,which suddenly meant so much.It came when I wasn't expecting it and it was a special moment.I wonder do we allow God to use us enough,in even our mundane moments?

Thursday, 11 October 2007


Today I spoke to a minister friend who I hadn't been in touch with for a while.I was blessed that God was anointing his ministry and his church was growing from strength to strength.However he was quick to point out that new growth meant new needs to be met and it wasn't easy at times.I believe more than ever that there are many people in our churches today with hurts to hand over and baggage to let go of.I'm reminded of the words of a worship song which tells us -
"Many people in the steeple,
But no-one leaves the walls".
If only we could learn to let go of petty things that occupy our minds,how God could really use us to bring a blessing to others.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007


As I write this tonight,I'm listening to a song called "Your Grace shines on me".It has made quite an impact on me for some time and last night I got to see the songwriter sing it in person from his heart,but more importantly,I can identify so closely with the words -"I am nothing without you".As I look back over the years,I can see God's hand in my life's experiences,through the highs and lows which have come my way.I'm so blessed to have this fact accentuated in my daily devotional reading today,which comes from Matthew 6 verse 8,
"Your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him".
He knows exactly how much grace we all need to get us through each day,and just trying to get my head round this fact-blows me away.

So tonight, we can ALL come boldly before the Throne of Grace.........

Tuesday, 9 October 2007


This morning we thought for a few minutes in Assembly about those less fortunate than ourselves,how a father living in Sudan could work all day for 30p-60p per day.Our children bring 20p every day for school dessert and many drop this amount on the floor long before pudding time.We can't even imagine what it would be like to do without,because we are all blessed with so much.We intend next week at school, to give a healthy donation to Concern worldwide,but today I ask myself am I really concerned enough?

Monday, 8 October 2007


We'll soon be off for a few days at Hallow e'en.Not that we celebrate the sentiment of Hallow e'en or anything,but we really look forward to a break from the usual routine.It's lovely to have something to look forward to,no matter how small.It gives us a lift when we check through our diaries.This makes me think tonight of what God has in store for all who live according to His will.He tells us of the home He has prepared for us in Heaven and as I fondly remember my mother-in-law tonight,I can still picture her talking to me about how she was looking forward to going to her Heavenly home.She was a Kingdom lady and I am blessed to have known her and witnessed her close walk with her Lord.I believe I'm forever changed as
a result.I wonder tonight what you and I are really looking forward to..............

"In my Father's House are many Mansions......I go to prepare a place for you".

Sunday, 7 October 2007


Today I marvelled at the wonderful display of floral arrangements which transformed our place of worship for Harvest.Some the flowers seemed to be from the most exotic places and they were positioned to perfection.As a friend and myself admired them tonight,we both quickly realised our limitations,when it comes to flower arranging.We looked at each other with the "How would you begin to do that?" look. We realised, that this was indeed not our gift and yet, were very happy to encourage the hands that had freely given her time to decorate God's House in such an amazing way.We are blessed tonight to know that God bestows a variety of gifts upon His children.They are there for the asking.I pray that we will all find God's gifts to us, not waste time in using them for His glory and always be ready to encourage others to use theirs.

Saturday, 6 October 2007


When I returned home today from visiting friends,I found a jug full of blackberries waiting for me.Ian had picked them from the hedge below our house and I immediately made a blackberry and apple pie which would make a lovely Sunday dessert.The fragrance in the house was so autumnal and I marvelled at the abundance of fruit left over.How come I hadn't noticed the blackberries for myself when driving up and down the road(I didn't even drive fast in the lane).I am reminded of the fact that I had been driving and I wasn't even looking for the fruit,whilst Ian was on foot and his sole purpose was to find as much as he could.This is like my spiritual walk,up until the last eighteen months really.I think there are definitely things I was blind to.that I now see clearly.I rushed through my prayer and quiet time and was only skimming the surface of what God wanted me to know.I've decided to open my eyes and heart fully now to the life He's calling me to live and my prayer tonight,is that this may be obvious to those I meet each day.

Friday, 5 October 2007


Today at break,a wee lad in my class slipped a packet of cheese'n'onion crisps onto my desk.I was taken pleasantly by surprise as I've a soft spot for them as he well knew.I only accepted them because I noticed that he'd some for himself and he assured me his mum meant me to have them. I was really touched by his gesture.He'd only been in my care for a month and already he knew what I liked as a wee treat.This might seem small and insignificant to you tonight,but it illustrates clearly how little things can mean so much.They can be such blessings.So I'm gonna keep trying to surprise folk who need a wee lift with something small and I know for certain that God will turn it into a meaningful blessing.He's never let me down yet.

Thursday, 4 October 2007


It's so strange, but today in the office,I completed many different tasks to the ones usually planned for a Thursday and much progress was actually made by telephone.On getting up this morning,I could not have imagined the conversations I'd be involved in.It is good,on a day to day basis,that we don't know the format of our day,but what a comfort and blessing for us all to know that God certainly does.It's also exciting to ask Him to take control of our every day activities and by doing that,we'll be sure to have a positive NEW AGENDA.

Wednesday, 3 October 2007


Today a little lad in my class brought his hamster to school at my request.You see,we were writing a story about a mouse which had escaped(thankfully not this one) and he was as pleased as punch to provide our visual aid.He simply could not contain his excitement.He watched its every move all day,with pride and delighted himself in explaining all about it to anyone who was interested and believe me there were lots of listeners.I would say it was a truly memorable day for him,especially as it was his eighth birthday also.It made me realise afresh that children have such a straight forward view of everything.They become passionate about so many things,which we as adults refuse to bat an eyelid at.I am blessed today by the fact that God tells us He wants us to have a childlike faith and we must try to remember this when issues creep in to conplicate our thinking.This suits me well,because I often don't feel too grown up inside.I'm encouraged today to be passionate about my faith and pray that I will take every opportunity possible to share it with others.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007


It's that time of year again,we're heading towards Harvest Suppers,Thanksgiving and so on.In Assembly this morning,we sang"Give thanks,with a grateful heart".This got me thinking of just how much the word "Thank you" is used, or not used in everyday life.It's only one little word,but boy do we notice when it's forgotten and doesn't it just melt your heart when it's remembered.It doesn't cost anything to say it and it leaves the lasting impression of a grateful heart.I've a younger sister who is always sending Thank you notes,even when the rest of us may have forgotten what we did to deserve them.So you see,being thankful, can be a constant state of mind and what a positive outlook that must surely be.I'm reminded tonight,of the ten lepers healed by Jesus and how only one returned to say "Thank you"(and he was a Samaritan, least likely of all.) I'm blessed to realise that I've so much to thank God for on a daily basis and I pray that I'll never ever forget that special word.

Monday, 1 October 2007


Today the old virus I've got,along with so many others in the vicinity,is making me feel hot and cold.It's a horrible feeling, as I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel next and it's hard to concentrate on work.It'll have to be off to bed with a hot drink, I guess.But,on reflection,aren't some people a bit like this too.They can blow hot and cold from time to time and you're never really sure where you stand with them.What a blessing today, to realise that God doesn't treat us like this.He loves us unconditionally and for always.