Thursday, 24 April 2008


I attended a Primary Principals' conference this afternoon.Many important issues were discussed.We were all unanimous in our suggestions and supported each other to the full.I felt I'd travelled a long way, but it helped to be surrounded by people of like mind.The meeting ended with the words of that famous Elvis song,
"A little less conversation, a little more action please".
We all realised that the talking needed to end now, it was time to act.
Sometimes we're a bit like this in our churches.We can talk endlessly about aspects of doctrine and spend too much time and effort being ruled by our rules that we miss the most important thing of all- Our relationship with Jesus and how that can govern the way we impact others.
It's a blessing to constantly be reminded to let our minds rest on the right issues.
I love the line in the Tim Hughes song,"God of justice" which says,

"Move us into action!" Don't just talk about it, do it!

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