Sunday 13 April 2008


This morning I heard the sad news that a dear friend of my sister-in-laws had just passed away while on holiday in France.She was a godly woman and although everyone thought during the last two weeks that she would improve from her sudden illness, and indeed God gave her time to make a strong impact on the doctors and nurses and everyone who knew about the situation, sadly, it was not to be that she would recover.
How do we accept it, when clearly God's ways are not our ways? Well, we simply have to, no matter how painful it may seem at the time.He knows what He's doing and doesn't make mistakes. We need to be moved by the fact that life is indeed is very fragile and none of us will be here forever, even though it seems that many live each day like they will. All remains for me to say today is......

"To be with Christ, which is far better."

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