Wednesday, 30 April 2008


The children in my class have been designing and making mysterious little birds with moving parts from scrap materials. They've spent a few sessions on this activity and I have to say the results are really good. Today they set the finished articles in front of them and wrote little imaginative stories about where these birds could fly to and the wonderfully helpful things they would be able to do for others. I love the minds of children. They write with excitement and in anticipation of something good just about to happen round the corner. They aren't afraid to "push the boat out" and believe in their dreams. Sadly, as we grow older, we become jaded, cynical and oh so secure in our safe routines.Many of us lose our sense of adventure and indeed the glow we once had when we were young in the faith.
We need to keep our faith strong and childlike in many ways and allow God to show us the path to take, whereby we can pursue the main reason we're here- "To glorify God in everything we do". I'm blessed tonight when I think of the children who are daily in my care and I pray that my influence on them will always be pleasing to God.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008


Ian and I were invited out today, to visit a school we'd never been to before.The appointment had been arranged quite some time ago and we hoped that our visit would be comfortable and convenient for the busy principal who'd asked us to call.Nothing was too much trouble at all. We were made most welcome and two hours later, we were on our way home, reflecting on the lovely afternoon we'd spent.We were taken on an extensive tour of the huge building, got to talk to students and admire the detail of their course work(being mounted on display).We realised this evening that the most important thing you can give someone is your time and how important it is to make others feel special, when there's nothing in it for your own gain.
I pray tonight, that God will always help me to follow through with my personal invitations and that I will always have time for others, to listen and even just be there for anyone who needs me.

Monday, 28 April 2008


Our boys asked us along to a service last evening.There were lots of young folk taking part and the boys were in the praise band.It was a very moving time as I was blessed by the sincerity and honesty of everyone taking part. Many of the young ones who spoke were teenagers and yet Ian and I remarked on the depth of their spiritual maturity.They enjoyed meeting up at the weekends to learn more about God. They are part of a group who desire a "no frills " Christianity and are not into gimmicks or anything which would romanticize the gospel.How refreshing to hear this message, as we live in an age where everything has to be packaged in a way which make it appear attractive. I can't help thinking that people today are judged by the figures in their salary, or whether or not they wear the latest in designer fashion.
Let's get back to basic truths and realise that's the foundation we need to build on.

Sunday, 27 April 2008


Today is my birthday.I share it with a few folk I know, so we exchanged pleasantries. My uncle turned seventy today, so we texted each other in a light-hearted way. It was a very pleasant day and Ian made a lovely Sunday lunch. I didn't have to lift a finger. The boys were home and all was well. As I get older I realise the importance of spending quality time with loved ones and just how precious that time really is.
I also realise that I have been uniquely shaped by God's hand. As I walk each day with Christ, He's constantly honing and shaping me to be more like Himself. I know I've got a long way to go, but I long to be moulded according to His will. As I reflect on being another year older, I thank God for His abundant blessings so evident in my life and I desire that I will move forward this year with a new zeal and enthusiasm for service wherever that may lead me.

Saturday, 26 April 2008


I love Saturday mornings. You never have to rush breakfast. You make your own agenda for the day and best of all you take it at your own speed. Your body relaxes and fresh fruit and croissants never tasted so good. You don't care if you sit around the table for ages.It all feels so good.Compare this with work days. You grab a quick bite, throw a wash in the machine, make a couple of packed lunches, etc etc and no matter how much time you think you have in the mornings before you leave the house, it never seems to be enough.
I've learnt that it's also like this with our quiet times. When we take time to study slowly and carefully, we discover the pearls of wisdom in God's word, whereas when we quickly rush through things, we're fortunate if anything we read stays with us for the rest of the day.
I know which breakfast I prefer and I know which type of quiet time blesses me the most.
So let's not rush our food!!!!!!

Friday, 25 April 2008


I suppose I realised today that my life had entered a new phase.My eldest son brought his girlfriend home to stay over and get to know us. It was all so easy and a very pleasant experience. We relaxed together and interaction was effortless. I counted the time very precious indeed. I was delighted to see them so happy together. It's not easy to realise suddenly that your children are grown up and independent, but when you see them happy and know they have been praying about embarking on right relationships, then you happily step to the sidelines when the time comes, so that they can still see that you are there if they need you.
Ian and I hope that we've done the parenting thing the way God would have wanted us to, to date and we are richly blessed through being close to both of our boys.

"Direct your children onto the right path." Proverbs.22.v.6.

Thursday, 24 April 2008


I attended a Primary Principals' conference this afternoon.Many important issues were discussed.We were all unanimous in our suggestions and supported each other to the full.I felt I'd travelled a long way, but it helped to be surrounded by people of like mind.The meeting ended with the words of that famous Elvis song,
"A little less conversation, a little more action please".
We all realised that the talking needed to end now, it was time to act.
Sometimes we're a bit like this in our churches.We can talk endlessly about aspects of doctrine and spend too much time and effort being ruled by our rules that we miss the most important thing of all- Our relationship with Jesus and how that can govern the way we impact others.
It's a blessing to constantly be reminded to let our minds rest on the right issues.
I love the line in the Tim Hughes song,"God of justice" which says,

"Move us into action!" Don't just talk about it, do it!

Wednesday, 23 April 2008


Ian got his class to write poems for a competition.They were all entitled.... LOVE IS......
He let me read them this afternoon and I was amazed at how good they were.These children were obviously well rounded kids, experiencing lots of family love, judging by the sorts of things they were writing.
They said stuff like,

"Love is from the inside out." "Love is being spoilt with your favourite food."

"Love is eternal and everlasting."

Aren't we blessed tonight to experience love and be able to show love to others? I pray for those who simply want to be loved, or have never been shown love and I thank God for the assurance of what His love can mean to us all.
John 3.v.16.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008


A couple of good friends landed round tonight.We were delighted to see them, as they had been out of the country working abroad for the last two years.We had so much to talk about.We laughed and chuckled heartily about some of the things they told us and we brought them up to speed with the goings on here with us. I was amazed at the differences in culture they experienced and immediately thought about the things which we have access to every day, which we take for granted. At the end of the evening we vowed to keep in closer contact, even though this couple would be continuing to travel the world over the next three years.
However, when they had gone, I realised just how comfortable and easy the whole evening had been and that true friends simply pick up where they left off.
It made me realise what a blessing it is to have Jesus as our best friend, because even when there may be days when we don't seem to follow as closely as we ought, He accepts us just the way we are and lets us feel comfortable and loved again.

Monday, 21 April 2008


I rang my aunt today and she made me feel like I'd just made her day.She's pretty much house bound nowadays, but so very interested in what the family's getting up to.She's upbeat and so appreciative of every little thing anyone does for her.It only takes a few minutes to let someone know you're thinking of them and it could make a world of difference to their day.Our local town has an initiative every year called "Expression". All the churches get together and send volunteers to do the simple things which really make a difference.They cut grass, paint walls,visit old peoples' homes and so on and show God's love in practical ways. As well as giving of their time freely the volunteers are deeply moved by how little it takes to make some one's day.Many are changed as a result of the week's outreach and have grown deeper in their faith.They are really blessed by how much God has blessed them through the different experiences.

"It is in giving that we receive".

Sunday, 20 April 2008


Today was a busy day, church twice, visiting in between, home later than expected and before we know it we're getting things ready for our Monday routine.I realise that we can be so busy at the weekends, doing many wonderful things, attached to our church fellowships and all of a sudden we realise, we're too busy. Everything and everyone tugs for a piece of us, our calendar is busy and that's the way we like it.But hold on a minute, what about that restful break from two weeks ago? Have I forgotten the benefits of "getting in, rather than giving out?
I'm reminded of the verse which says,

"Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" Luke 5:16.

And I think, if Jesus thought it worthwhile to step aside and pray,wouldn't I be wise to do the same?

Saturday, 19 April 2008


I went to visit a friend this afternoon and guess what, I got lost again.Now the lady agreed that the roads were very twisty, leading to where she lived, yet there I go again having to ask directions.We really had a good laugh about it and I wasn't afraid to admit that I was trying out a different direction this time and I just wasn't familiar with it at all. I was a bit out of my depth.
Sometimes, I think we're afraid to admit that we're wrong, or we've made a mistake.We take ourselves so seriously and think how we must always appear that we're strong and in control at all times.
We're wrong if we believe this.It uses up all our energy trying to make people believe we're coping with everything all the time.Let's admit to God we need help and that we've taken a wrong road.He's waiting to welcome us with open arms and guide us onto the right path.

Proverbs.3 v 5 and 6. ................ "He WILL direct your paths".

Friday, 18 April 2008


Ian and I attended the retirement function last night of a very dear friend and colleague.This man had so much to be proud of in life as he had achieved so many different things in his specialised field and travelled all over the world promoting events and giving lectures.Everyone loves him deeply.I suppose you could say, what is so endearing is the fact that he cares deeply about people and just wants to make a difference for good, but in a most unassuming way.I've been blessed to witness his complete humility.He was quite overwhelmed by the number of people who he said "gave up a valuable evening just to wish him well".His thank you speech was very moving, as he continually did everything he could to divert the limelight from himself and praised his family, colleagues and friends for their assistance to him over the years.
Last night, I learnt the meaning of the phrase-

"Walk humbly".

Thursday, 17 April 2008


We had a special Assembly today,where many of the children in my class decided themselves that they would like to take part.They shared their favourite bible verse with the whole school.They didn't have to be coaxed to do this and I was blessed by their enthusiasm and the confident delivery of the wonderful words.I thank God for all the little ones in our care in school every day and never take for granted the opportunity to be able to share God's love so openly.You never know the snowball effect this could have, in enabling these little ones to speak to their parents.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


I received a present today.It was a lovely,big, orange mug.But what made it so special was that it has the words-
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."Phil.4.13. written on it.
I remember reading a couple of weeks ago, that when Helen Roseveare was working in hospital some years ago, someone close to her suggested that while she stood holding her hot cup of coffee( and she drank umpteen cups of coffee) she should use the time while she was waiting for them to cool, to meditate and ask God to keep her composed in all her dealings with people.This is good advice for us all and I'm certainly gonna meditate on this particular verse while I'm waiting for my coffee in school to cool.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008


I firmly believe that when I waken up in the middle of the night, it's never by chance.I always have a person's name in my mind and I immediately pray for them. It happened again last night.You see,my friend was going for major scan results this morning after months of chemotherapy.When I thought of her heading out in the car to the hospital, the passage from Joshua chapter 1 and verse 9 came immediately to mind.I sent it to her by text early today and eagerly awaited her reply.It came a few hours later.Everything was well and she was praising God for answered prayer. Talking to her by phone then, was a blessing to me today, because she bore her illness all along with such a strong faith.It was lovely to hear her truly rejoicing today.
As I was leaving school this afternoon, I glanced for a moment at Ian's laptop.There were purple letters moving across the screen. They read as follows--

"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Monday, 14 April 2008


At the moment, every time we come into our driveway we are met by a "host of golden daffodils." They stretch all the way up the "in" path and down the "out" path on both sides and also take pride of place in a large flower bed. They are a constant reminder to us of Ian's dad, as we remember him carefully and patiently planting masses of them. They look like majestic trumpeters heralding the presence of spring.They suggest new birth, new growth and fill my heart with joy as I gaze upon them every day.
A few however, have been breathed upon by the odd morning frost over the past week and their heads are starting to droop.I've told Ian I'm gonna pick these ones and put them in a vase on the kitchen table and try and encourage them to lift their heads again.
Many of us, from time to time, due to life's experiences, don't feel we have the energy to lift our heads up.But remember God knows what we're going through, or have been through and wants to renew our mind, body and soul so that we can stand up firm like the majestic daffodils, if only we'll let Him.
So it's up to us.Do we choose to be a "drop of rain" or a "ray of sunshine?"

Sunday, 13 April 2008


This morning I heard the sad news that a dear friend of my sister-in-laws had just passed away while on holiday in France.She was a godly woman and although everyone thought during the last two weeks that she would improve from her sudden illness, and indeed God gave her time to make a strong impact on the doctors and nurses and everyone who knew about the situation, sadly, it was not to be that she would recover.
How do we accept it, when clearly God's ways are not our ways? Well, we simply have to, no matter how painful it may seem at the time.He knows what He's doing and doesn't make mistakes. We need to be moved by the fact that life is indeed is very fragile and none of us will be here forever, even though it seems that many live each day like they will. All remains for me to say today is......

"To be with Christ, which is far better."

Saturday, 12 April 2008


Friends came over tonight. We had a wonderful evening of sharing fellowship.It's so important to spend time with people who you are not afraid to show "the real you" too.We all need to relax, be ourselves, and come out from behind the walls that we erect every day to protect ourselves.Then we can just simply connect with others who have discovered the joy of being themselves, but precious to Jesus.I firmly believe that Jesus leads us to people of like mind so that we can share the meaningful things in life and surely a few real friends are far better than endless acquaintances who want nothing more than to gossip about others and waste time on silly conversations. I urge you today to ask Jesus to lead you into lasting friendships which you'll prove to be nothing short of life enriching.

Jesus gave us the model of love-
"I have loved you even as The Father has loved me...I have told you this so that your joy may be full,"and we hear from His heart the welcoming words, "I have called you friend."

Friday, 11 April 2008


I heard on the News today that 1/3 of all drivers with satellite navigation end up in the wrong place.It doesn't seem to lead them in the right direction.If it works it's a good aid when motoring, but watching the drivers end up way off the mark, did look a bit strange, if not laughable, on the news report.Immediately it reminded me of our own lives.I constantly look back over mine and view the route I've taken. I wonder if you are happy with your life and the direction you're moving in?
I find as I study different books in the Bible they definitely give me a clear direction to follow, day by day and I know that if I am obedient, I'll not end up in the wrong destination.

Jesus said, "I am the way, The truth and The Life".

Thursday, 10 April 2008


I passed the comment yesterday and today to a couple of my colleagues that we were all really blessed to be able to work together the way that we do.I said that I thought it was lovely to get up each morning and know that there was no-one I dreaded meeting at work or couldn't get along with and I really mean that.We have the freedom in school to chat every day about "deep" stuff that matters and I know that not all workplaces are like this .I feel very comfortable with my work surroundings and yet I know that sometimes when we are like this God can call us out of our "comfort zone".We just have to be open and available.I wonder how comfortable you are with your workmates ,their interests and even their language and if you felt God speaking would you be willing to act?

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


I sat and listened today, as my sister-in-law, who'd just returned from Paris, told her story. She had flown to the bedside of a dear friend who had experienced a massive coronary while on holiday there. Miraculously, she was staying 5 minutes away from a hospital specialising in cardiac care and has been there for almost two weeks now. The doctors gave the lady a 1 percent chance of survival, which I'm sure you'll agree is almost nothing at all.However, her minister and friends from church have been fervently praying and singing hymns around her bed and she has made some very positive progress to date.
This is like something you'd read in a book and yet it's so very real.I was blessed as I listened to how God is really speaking through this painful situation to so many in that hospital.It tells me that in everything we need to keep trusting in God to carry us through whatever comes our way and know that He is working out everything according to His purposes.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008


I've just heard the wonderful news of two young girls who have asked Jesus to be their saviour and best friend.It was a blessing as I listened to a mum and then later, a Sunday school teacher enthusiastically tell me all about them.It made me think about how important it is for all of us to have "childlike faith".Sometimes we complicate things too much, debate doctrine for hours on end and lose sight of what it really means to have a daily living relationship with Jesus. I echo the words of a friend today who said, "A little child shall lead them" and pray that these young children(who know exactly what it's all about) will have the opportunity of touching the lives around them.

Monday, 7 April 2008


I've got a student teacher in school for a couple of weeks and we intend to work closely together.As we were preparing lessons today, I told her I'd like her to do a series on "The Lord's Prayer".She was delighted to hear this and added that she had never been in a school before where she had been asked to take an RE lesson. I couldn't believe it, as RE is an integral part of school life for me.But on reflection I realised that we are blessed in our school to have the freedom to teach the young children in our care about God and not every school is like that. My prayer tonight would be that we would always have this kind of religious freedom, although somehow, somewhere down the line this could all change. May we never let the opportunity pass to tell others the good news of the gospel.

Sunday, 6 April 2008


This evening we listened to a minister speak about Heaven.It was an amazing sermon, uplifting and inspiring.I want to share a few facts with you.From bible based references we learnt that believers could look forward to the following-----
We will enjoy the wholesome things we enjoy here and now.
We will be engaged in fulfilling and purposeful activity.
There'll be close relationships and happy fellowship.
The world will be beautiful and full of joy.
We'll be in the presence of the Lord.
There'll be no more frustration about the brevity of our earthly lives.
I could go on and on..........
The best thing of all is that it will never end!
This sermon really blessed me.

I wonder are you planning to be there?

Saturday, 5 April 2008


I'm going out for a meal with some dear friends tonight.I know the hostess well and she displays all the qualities of a Godly woman, the ones I've been reading about this past week. It'll be an easy night and I feel blessed already because I know God will be there too. Just like the words of that famous plaque which adorns many a dining room wall, "Christ is the unseen guest at every meal". There's a real ministry in the sharing of hospitality.I intend to do much more of this now that the flu has passed. Let's get away from any silly hangups, like "my house may not be as fancy as the next persons". This matters little, when God changes our total perspective. He ensures that we are relaxed and enables us to enjoy the sharing of a meal with others and the added bonus for us is that He shows up too.

Friday, 4 April 2008


I read it over and over again tonight until I took in every single word---

"Do not be conformed to this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,that you may prove what IS that good and acceptable and perfect will of God". Romans 12.v.2.

Paul is talking about practical matters concerning the application of salvation.The christian woman's sacrifice to God is to live her life as holy or set apart to God and to please Him. How sad it is to see how subtly Satan infiltrates the world of young girls' fashion nowadays. I was shocked the other day to see so much "playboy/girl" bunny logo clothes, shoes, sun glass cases etc, as I passed by a shop window.I don't usually pay attention to teenage girls' clothes, as we have two lads in our family,who settle for track suit bottoms, jeans and sweatshirts. But I urge any parents who might possibly read this, to guard carefully how their young girls dress, as nowadays I believe shops encourage them to appear provocative from a very early age.
I feel we have to constantly work hard at "being in the world, but not of the world".
I'm finding great blessing as I read some chapters of Romans each day, it truly guides us as to how we ought to live.

Thursday, 3 April 2008


Going through passport control today,I just knew it was bound to happen sometime.The nice lady stopped me and scrutinized my photograph. Just the other day Ian and I realised that our passports needed updating soon and yes, she was right, how I have changed.I'm nearly ten years older of course, but kindly she didn't draw attention to that fact.My hair is longer and blond instead of very short and dark and truth be told I look nothing like I did back then. We joked together for a moment, with me justifying to her that the photo was really me, to which she replied, "Oh I know it's you, you can't change your eyes, dear".
And of course she is right, only God can. So much about us changes as the years pass, but our eyes reveal the real "us". I've been reading a lot this week about the qualities God expects us to have. We don't have to spend a penny to achieve any of them. It's the inward working of The Holy Spirit who makes us into the women God wants us to be and when our hearts are softened towards the needs of others then we'll show compassion "in our eyes".

Wednesday, 2 April 2008


I stuck to my plan,finished my book and got well into another.As Ian and I reflect on our Easter break today,we both conclude that the beautiful location and wonderful weather have been secondary to the real reason why we've been here this week.We believe God made it all possible and it has been underlined for us over and over again.I've just read-
"Come to me ,all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you.LET ME TEACH YOU,because I am humble and gentle at heart and you will find rest for your souls".
God has been speaking directly and I feel really blessed and eagerly anticipate what is yet to come.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


I'm halfway through 'Disciplines of a godly woman' by Barbara Hughes and I aim to finish it tomorrow as it's the last day of my retreat. I always thought I was a well disciplined and organised person generally. But though the pages of this book I realise that I need to be much more disciplined as regards my prayer and Bible study life when I get back home. I know it's hard work but if I want to be active for God, then I must get 'lost' in the Scriptures. they need to sink right in to be meaningful. So just as many of us try to maintain the discipline of keeping a healthy body and mind, let's look after our soul and delve deeper into God's word to uncover the blessings within.