Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Tonight I went to the wake of my next door neighbour's daughter,a beautiful girl who died tragically this morning,just twenty-five years old.She was planning to go on holiday abroad today and sadly this was never to be.In the house this evening everyone found themselves with simply nothing to say.There was shock,disbelief,stunned silence and at times rivers of tears,but no words would come to try and explain why things happen as they do. Ever wonder why every day we keep on spending our time worrying over situations which may never come to pass,or reading into things which are simply not there.Then suddenly, something like this happens to jerk us about and turn things upside down.We are shaken for a time and then settle back into our usual routines again.I am blessed tonight to know that when there is nothing to say,The Holy Spirit intercedes for us.He is our advocate with the Father and comforts the grieving ,remember Job.

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