Sunday, 16 September 2007


I love music.I just couldn't imagine my life without music in it.It helps that my husband and boys share my passion.Sometimes our house is a mad place to be as four different types of music could be blasting out at the same time.We all like listening to different artists in secular music and yet when it comes to gospel music,we are fairly united in our choices of artist and songs. But you see,worship music takes us way beyond the performer to the words which are God inspired.When we truly enter into the spirit of worship,I believe we connect with God Himself and allow Him to speak to us in a mighty way.I am blessed today,to be part of a church fellowship where there is freedom to engage in making worship music,or simply time to sit and drink in what is prepared by others.Either way,christian music really touches my heart.What kind of music do you spend your time listening to and what does it do for you?

"Sing to the Lord a new song,His praise from the ends of the earth". Isiah 42v10

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