Sunday, 30 September 2007


Today turned out to be different.I woke up with a streaming head cold and sore throat and so all my plans for the day had to be changed.I was not able to enjoy fellowship with my church family and so the day was very quiet indeed.Our church is a friendly place where people are good at caring for others and so,it was comforting to receive a call from a good friend later and feel that I was missed.Isn't it a blessing too,that when we feel a little sorry for ourselves, God always sends us a little reminder of His care,via a call,letter,text and so on.That's just how He works to lift us up again and it works.

Saturday, 29 September 2007


Today I went to visit a friend who had just got out of hospital.As I've mentioned before,my sense of direction isn't great and yes, you've guessed,I got lost along the way.I knew however,I was in the general vicinity and wagged down a passing motorist whom I recognised immediately,(otherwise I'd have been more cautious of course).We'd been at primary school together many years ago and I had such a bit of craic telling him things that I knew he knew,but try as he might,he hadn't a clue who I was. Ye see,I was out of my home territory and of course us girls get to change our hair colour and style so often that it means we have a head start on the male population,although some might never even notice.Anyway,time was moving on and in order to be directed to my destination,I had to reveal my true identity.We had such a laugh remembering our primary school days.On a more serious note,however,I'm blessed tonight to realise that God never forgets me.He knows every hair on my head no matter how often I change the style or colour.

Friday, 28 September 2007


Today a friend called by on an errand and standing at our front door,remarked on the view of the surrounding countryside.I see it every day and maybe take it a little for granted,until someone else points it out to me from time to time.We're all a bit like that aren't we sometimes.We maybe don't appreciate someone enough until we get a sudden jolt.I always try to be careful with my conversations,as we do not know how we could be interpreted and to whom we might be speaking for the last time.What a blessing to know that even when we take Him for granted,God is always there for us and never changes how He feels towards us.He is the same -"Yesterday,today,forever."

Thursday, 27 September 2007


Today I attended a course about changes required in paper work to do with my job.I had been aware of this course for some time,but had been unable to attend previously.I suppose I sort of dreaded the changes,even in a small way and yet when I went I found there was nothing to worry about at all.Sometimes life is like that for many of us.We know that worry is a sin,but somehow we just can't help ourselves.What a blessing today to hear God telling us not to worry about tomorrow,it will take care of itself.We need to "rest in Him"and when we offer up our worries and troubles remember not to keep pulling them down again.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Tonight I went to the wake of my next door neighbour's daughter,a beautiful girl who died tragically this morning,just twenty-five years old.She was planning to go on holiday abroad today and sadly this was never to be.In the house this evening everyone found themselves with simply nothing to say.There was shock,disbelief,stunned silence and at times rivers of tears,but no words would come to try and explain why things happen as they do. Ever wonder why every day we keep on spending our time worrying over situations which may never come to pass,or reading into things which are simply not there.Then suddenly, something like this happens to jerk us about and turn things upside down.We are shaken for a time and then settle back into our usual routines again.I am blessed tonight to know that when there is nothing to say,The Holy Spirit intercedes for us.He is our advocate with the Father and comforts the grieving ,remember Job.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007


Tonight I had a go at making some buns,not a recipe I'd tried before,I might add.There was apple sauce,nuts and so on included.I kinda guessed the amount when sorting out the ingredients and as a result,they turned out ok,but a bit on the bland side really.I covered my mistakes by spreading some beautiful rhubarb jam on the top and they seemed to go down a treat.But I knew inside they should have been different, if only I'd stuck closely to the instructions.Tonight I'm blessed to know that when I make lots of mistakes in life and try to do things in my own strength,God still accepts me for who I am.Day to day life is far from "wee buns",but God can change me on the inside and make me different if I let Him. So day by day,I try to follow His instruction.

Monday, 24 September 2007


Today a little girl in my class brought in a diary extract belonging to her great grandfather,in which he spoke of how communications networks had broken down and he had to ride his horse to spread the news to different battalions in France that the war was over at last.The year was 1918 and as we listened we were transported back in time and amazed as we truly experienced the character of the man himself,as he carried out this very responsible job and helped wounded soldiers along the way.I keep a journal every day and often wonder what someone might make of my writing if they came across it sometime in the future.It is in no way anywhere near as exciting as this man's story.It's very ordinary in fact and yet it reminds me of God's constant presence with me in the most unexpected ways.I'm blessed tonight to know that God used ordinary people in bible times to do extraordinary things for Him.So let's just keep making ourselves available,there's no telling what we could do.

Sunday, 23 September 2007


Today I listened as my husband gave directions to our two lads. They were going to take part in a church youth service in a place they had never been before.I couldn't help thinking it was well I wasn't driving,as my sense of direction has never been that good and there were far too many instructions to take in.I work better when I follow things a step at a time,but sometimes in my work, the nature of the job means that you can be involved in so many new initiatives that you don't ever seem to get anything completely finished and you can get a little frustrated.Tonight,having attended a service for a dear friend embarking on full time work for God, it became so clear to me that God only means us to take one little step at a time as we move forward with Him.We are not meant to know "The Big Picture."He tells us that His grace is sufficient for us and it's such a blessing to realise that He walks all the way with us and will keep us pointing in the right direction,when everything around us seems just too much to take in.

Saturday, 22 September 2007


Today we went out in the car only to discover that there were road works along the way and it seemed to take an age to get to our destination and home again.I simply hate having to sit in traffic or drive around the world for an hour on an alternative route when my journey should only take half the time.You see I'm not very patient and keep thinking of things I should be doing.Yet during the wait I listened to some music and chatted to my husband and the time passed quite quickly really.I'm blessed today when I think of how continually patient God is with me and I realise I have such a long way to go along my journey with Him.Every hold up along the way is simply there to develop my character and help me to grow spiritually.

Friday, 21 September 2007


When I was about fifteen I started to wear a certain perfume.It wasn't expensive and yet it seemed to match my skin type,because many friends and even teachers in school used to comment on the pleasant fragrance it left lingering in the air.As the years passed by I've tried many perfumes,received as gifts and some even quite expensive,yet none can compare with my old favourite. Shops stopped stocking it over the years,until,by chance I spotted it in a nearby town a couple of years ago.I couldn't quite believe it.It made me very happy to wear it once more.Then,quick as it arrived,off the shelves it disappeared again,until this week that is.My friend,who works in the local chemist shop texted to say she'd managed to get it ordered for me.I went there today and she greeted me with the bottle,saying "I know what you've come for." What a thoughtful friend who knows me so well.I'm blessed when I think that God knows me even better,indeed He knows all about me.I pray today that as I strive to be more like Jesus, my life will be a blessing to others and that I may always leave the sweet fragrance of God's love wherever I go.

Thursday, 20 September 2007


We were getting a bit concerned today.You see,our pet cat had not appeared for a few days now and we began to think that maybe something was not just right.I watched and waited,but no sign came.Then,just when I wasn't expecting him,his little head appeared outside the kitchen window tonight.We were so delighted to see him safe and well,that he got a banquet for tea and stroked and fussed over all evening.My joy was complete.Whitie was home.If this was a reception fit for a cat,how blessed are we tonight to know that when we slip away from our close walk with God,what a wonderful welcome awaits our return when we truly desire to renew our fellowship again.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007


Tonight,at a local service I watched a dvd about people who were worshipping God in secret.This was because they lived in part of China. They had to be so careful because they could face imprisonment if they were discovered.I realised immediately what a blessing it is for us in our country to have such freedom to worship God and I pray earnestly that this will continue throughout my lifetime and beyond.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


A little lad at school today showed me his new yellow and green martial arts belt.He proceeded to do some wonderful self defence moves to prove why he was worthy of its gain.I was enthralled just watching him and inquired what the belt stood for.He quickly told me that it meant "The plant is starting to grow".I was moved by his explanation and could clearly see that this was true. Since he gave his last little demonstration for me he had obviously improved a lot.
It reminded me immediately of how we can grow in knowledge of God through studying His word and keeping in close fellowship with Him and His people.I am blessed to know that by staying as close as I can,I am starting to grow and cultivate the "Fruits of the Spirit" within me.This is nothing of me, it's all God at work changing my heart daily and continually crushing the weeds which would choke new growth.When God comes right into your life He completely sorts out your garden.

Monday, 17 September 2007


Today we were talking about food rationing during World War Two and one little boy was quick to point out that a week's food ration could be consumed by him in one day.Today I also watched as another little boy in the dining hall took two spoonfuls of dessert and no amount of coaxing by myself could stop him from leaving it back up to the hatch to be thrown out.We have everything in abundance,more than we need and still we are never satisfied.Just talking to several friends who went to various underprivileged countries to work during the summer,it's funny how they all agreed that the folk they met had so little,but what they had they wanted to give away to others.What a blessing today to know that God will supply our every need and above all give us spiritual food in order to make us grow more like Him.How hungry are you right now?

Sunday, 16 September 2007


I love music.I just couldn't imagine my life without music in it.It helps that my husband and boys share my passion.Sometimes our house is a mad place to be as four different types of music could be blasting out at the same time.We all like listening to different artists in secular music and yet when it comes to gospel music,we are fairly united in our choices of artist and songs. But you see,worship music takes us way beyond the performer to the words which are God inspired.When we truly enter into the spirit of worship,I believe we connect with God Himself and allow Him to speak to us in a mighty way.I am blessed today,to be part of a church fellowship where there is freedom to engage in making worship music,or simply time to sit and drink in what is prepared by others.Either way,christian music really touches my heart.What kind of music do you spend your time listening to and what does it do for you?

"Sing to the Lord a new song,His praise from the ends of the earth". Isiah 42v10

Saturday, 15 September 2007


I brushed up a few leaves today.The only problem was,that it was a bit windy and just as I thought I was winning,the leaves tended to dart out of reach until a sudden breeze brought them back in my direction.It may have been funny to watch,but I managed to get the job done eventually.It reminded me of last year,when my youngest son started university.I found that so hard to cope with.I now knew what empty nest syndrome really felt like.However,just like the leaves,the boys keep coming home to me and every time they return,my heart leaps for joy.I've learnt that I have to let go in order for them to come back and as I leave them in God's care each day,I truly experience the words of Isaiah 44 v 3 and I am blessed to know that God keeps His hand on them at all times.

"I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring."

Friday, 14 September 2007


Tonight I went to visit my mum,only to find that she was out and I had no way in.So it was a wasted journey.Everywhere was in darkness and the usually lit up front door was all locked up.I had to turn around and drive home,thinking as I went,of how it must be like this for God if our hearts are locked to Him because of something this world has got us hooked on and sometimes we might not even realise it.I am blessed tonight to know that I have opened the door to God and I pray that He'll always be a welcome guest.Won't you do the same?It's no fun waiting outside in the dark.

Thursday, 13 September 2007


Today in Assembly we sang a little song which talked about Jesus being closer than the closest friend and more real than any truth can be.The words are with me tonight as I think of how important close friends are to me,how they'll just be there when I need them and how I try to be a true friend in return.How blessed we are to have Jesus as our closest friend,if we so choose.I know that in my life I've proved this time and time again and I just don't know how I could face the challenges in everyday life without Him.In a world where people are constantly searching for something real,why not with simple childlike faith allow Him to be your closest friend.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007


Today was a long ,hard day.I seemed to have so many disruptions to deal with and I just didn't get everything done exactly the way I'd planned.So it was no surprise to come home from work in a very tired state.I just decided to rest awhile before getting stuck into the usual chores.It's good to know that putting your feet up for a short time with a cup of tea can give you the boost you need to carry on.I'm blessed today when I consider the verse which says,"Come unto me all you who are weary and I will give you rest."
God knows how we're doing at all times and He will renew our strength.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


Tonight I went for a long walk over our village golf course,not that I have any interest in golf at all,but it passes an evening in beautiful surroundings.I remarked how velvety smooth the areas of green were,in comparison to the rough places and how they seemed to just merge into one another.I couldn't help thinking that life's a bit like that.We simply move from a period of calm and serenity into having to deal with a trauma of some sort,don't we?It's hard for the golfer to find the ball when it enters the rough,you have to look carefully and yet,it's plain to be seen when it rolls onto the smooth green.We can praise God easily when things are going our way and yet,when the hard times come,if we search deeply for Him,we'll find He's been there all the time,waiting for us to put our trust in Him.
"Come near to God and He will come near to you". James 4 v 8.

Monday, 10 September 2007


I was just talking today with my class about life during World War Two.They were mesmerised at how things have changed so drastically over the years.A lengthy discussion followed on how the girls curled their hair with rags,instead of curling tongs and how could the lads possibly cope without their computer games,they wondered.It made me think how far we've come really.We want for nothing and yet never seem to be truly satisfied.I'm reminded tonight of my parents' and grandparents' generation who seemed so content with so much less and I hear the words my husband has said to me time and time again down through the years-"It's not what you have it's who you are".
I am blessed that God loves me just the way I am and that by trusting in Him fully,I am content with what I have.

Sunday, 9 September 2007


Today I attended the Christening of my little niece.The beautiful little Christening robe came out of storage yet again.Indeed,sixteen babies had worn it once,our immediate family circle and even my mother.So it had been paraded up and down many an aisle.Although the little one,so young,was oblivious to everything going on around her,someday I hope she realises the significance of the fact that many folk are praying for her little life as she grows up.I was blessed today when,like many others,we are reminded of times when we know folk have been praying for us.And as a parent I keep entrusting my children into Gods care daily,and watch Him guide and mould their lives according to His will.I hope you join me on the journey.
"Let the little children come unto me."

Saturday, 8 September 2007


There's a film with a lovely sentiment all about people doing good turns for each other and how this snowballs all around the whole community.I think the film's called "Pay it forward."Today I was involved in something similar.I was able to see a kind word and people giving their time freely,etc, mean more than words could ever imagine.I am glad that in our busy world people still take time out to do something for others without expecting anything in return.Tonight,a person who asked me this morning-"Does anyone care?"smiled in the belief that many still do and I am truly blessed and thank God that He never ever stops caring.
So why not have a go at"paying it forward",you'll be blessed when you do.

Friday, 7 September 2007


Today I taught my Art class all about perspective,how to show distance,etc,in their paintings.Later when I came home I began to think about the word "perspective" and how we manage to keep aspects of our lives in perspective-sometimes,without much success.We all exaggerate situations from time to time and imagine scenarios which are not even there.But tonight I'm blessed to know that when we include God into our daily events,He helps us to make sense of the senseless and helps us keep everything in perspective,for He promises to always accompany us.

"Be strong and courageous,for the Lord thy God is with you wherever you go."

Thursday, 6 September 2007


Today,when I came home from work,suddenly my plans changed and ye know what, it was just fine.I had a lovely alternative evening.This is quite a turn around in thinking,coming from someone who likes to organise,make arrangements and set goals.You see,for a long long time things did go according to my plans,until suddenly,over the past few years,I realised,with the turn of events,that" Gods ways are not my ways."I began bit by bit to loosen the reins and hand everything over into His care.I am blessed today,as I think about plans, to know that the difference this has made to me has been life changing.So I ask you to consider tonight "Who guides you?"

Wednesday, 5 September 2007


This morning I woke up with a song in my head and I just could not stop myself from humming and singing it all day.It felt a bit strange really because the words and tune visited me about ten to twelve times in all and not another song was able to enter into my thoughts.I wonder if this has ever happened to you.When something occupies your mind in this way, it can have a positive or negative effect.I was blessed today that the song was called-"What a faithful God have I"and I really felt Him speaking to me through the words.I encourage you today to strive to fill your mind with positive thoughts,which will definitely aid your mental well being.And remember, if a negative thought creeps in to disturb your peace,don't allow it a foothold.

"He who has promised is faithful."

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


Today,as I came out of the office back into the classroom nearing the end of the school day,a little boy asked me inquisitively-"Have you got your work all finished in there?"To which I replied,"If I worked day and night continually,I could never say I'd finished it all.That's just the way it is."
Sometimes we get bogged down by the fact that our every day tasks (no matter what field of work we pursue) seem insurmountable.There always seems to be more to do.We long to be able to say "we've arrived", "it's all completed",yet in reality this simply is not possible.
However,in my spiritual life, I'm blessed today to know that I cannot exhaust God's teaching and I long to know more every day. As I search His word and study around it,He tells me there's more,so much more He wants to share and somehow I'm never bogged down.And some day, at the end of my life,I look forward to meeting Him and seeing the sign-"You've arrived".

Monday, 3 September 2007


Today was the first day of our new school term.In came the new school bags,new uniforms,new shoes, new pencils...the list goes on and on.Boy,how we all love to have something new.It reminded me how every day is new,never the same as the one before and I realised how blessed I am to know that in Christ I can become a new creation.He tells us "Behold,I make all things new".So be encouraged,wherever you are.When we allow Jesus to take control of our lives,He remembers our sin no more and moves us forward to do new things in His name.

Sunday, 2 September 2007


During the summer an Australian friend stayed with us.I think of him often and especially when out in the car,because he kept saying"w a i t i n g",every time we came near to a junction or crossroads.We thought this was hilarious,because surely we had enough common sense to do this anyway, without being reminded.Today I attended three very different church services,where I spoke to many people,all at different stages in their lives,all waiting for different things- surgery,school,university,a wedding,a funeral procession to arrive,preparation for full time mission work,etc.And today I was blessed to really feel God telling me to wait and be still and allow Him time to talk to me.You see, it dawned on me,I do need to be reminded and gently nudged by God ,from time to time, as He reveals His will for my life in manageable bites.So I wonder tonight what or who are you waiting for?

Saturday, 1 September 2007


I love cheese'n' onion crisps,that's my comfort food.I love"Comfort" fabric conditioner,that makes my clothes smell fresh and feel good to touch.I love my hot bath at the end of a long day,that's such a relaxing,comfortable place to be.Today I went to a wake.I seem to have reached the stage of life where this has become a regular occurrence.It's not easy to grieve or be in the presence of those who are grieving.Very often there are no words and just our quiet presence is enough.It has reminded me all day how blessed I am to have The Holy Spirit as my ultimate comforter at all times.
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort."