Saturday, 18 August 2007


I remembered fondly how a friend had brought me a meal during the winter when I hadn't been feeling too well and just how much it had meant to me and so today I simply dropped off a couple of pies with a friend who was starting her long recovery from major surgery.I experienced the true meaning of the phrase "It is in giving that we receive"as I was so blessed by her godly attitude to all that she'd been through and her genuine longing in time to share God's love with those who'd travelled the same road as herself and wondered why.I was reminded of the verse that God really is a very present help in trouble and am convinced that He will without a doubt lead us to those whom we can comfort because we know what they are going through, if we just make ourselves available.I hope this encourages you today wherever you are.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

How blessed and priveleged we are to feed on rich fellowship and to be able to encourage each other even through our pain. I think it was Oswald Chambers who said that when we are in a dark place we should listen and God will give us a precious message for someone else when we come into the light.
Keep on listening for He has many precious messages fou you to share. x